Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday and Saturday

The above images are from Saturday's hike up Lost Mine Trail.

Friday afternoon

We made the decision to move up to the Chisos Basin because it would both put us in the mountains, and it would be cooler.  We took the last two spots available!  How lucky does that get.

Our campground is surrounded by much taller peaks.  The campground itself is at 5100'.  The peaks around us are varying of the tallest being Casa Grande at 7325', but the tallest is Toll Mt at 7415'. There are other peaks in the high 6000' range.  Not quite like Nepal but pretty darn good!

The campground host told me a mountain lion was down by the lower bath this am and a sow black bear and three yearlings were up on the road near a trail head that we'll be on tomorrow.  No coyotes up here as their "food" is mostly in the desert.


We got a fairly early start for hiking (for us) at 9 am.  We went up the Lost Mine Trail which is a complete misnomer because there never was a mine there to begin with.  Our trek started at 5700 feet and ended at 6818'.  The trail had been built back in the early 40's by the CCC crews. It is the easiest of the trails we've hiked in terms of footing.  We had great views from the top and were so glad to have made the trek earlier in the day before the trail got as busy as it did by the time we came down.

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