Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, for real

Thursday for real

This composed by all four of us, sorta,  Dee's entry really.

We got an early start because a we thought it was Friday!  Alas, it was only Thursday and we regained a day!  Such luck!

Yet another beautiful day - cool morning that warmed into the 80's.  We spent significant time thinking of you in the snow and rain - lest I lie.

We had a great hike into the Ernst Tinaja canyon.  A long narrow bumpy road in that took over 1/2 hr culminated into a glorious hike into the canyon.  The canyon cuts through the western end of the Dead Horse MT.  There was tiled layers of rock of clay - the top rock was layered in several inch segments and was brilliantly colors associated with the southwestern - vibrant reds, blues, rose, turquoise, and grays with swirls of layers caused by uplifting along the faults.  These layers were atop a more solid foundation of Buda Limestone. We appreciated the ambiance by ourselves, not anther sole in site.  Don't tell anyone, but Dee and Marty each pocketed a small forbidden rock.

The remainder of the day was enjoyed lounging in the shade.  Now the coyote howl and the cats shudder.  Last night Buffy escaped in the middle of the night to be found in the morning, frightened and ready to return to the camper.  He refused to tell his story of dodging coyotes. 

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