Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday in Anamur and Anamurium

Great night of sleep on the back side of the hotel; it was quiet mostly because of what you see in the photo.  There was wood, oil cans, and a few chickens in our "backyard."  No cars nor trucks to disrupt our sleep.  We had a nice breakfast in the hotel, again see the photo below.  Not shown, egg, bread, and watermellon and tea.

Our plans were to take a minibus to the ruins of Anamurium and then return by another.  However, it is Sunday and we learned that those little buses don't work on Sunday.  Being the bold sort, we asked if we could rent a motorcycle or scooter.

The owner asked David if he know how to drive one and David smiled and said yes.  So after a short briefing on the how to operate the scooter we were off to Anamurium.  The city flourished in the Golden Age and was founded by the Phoenicians.  This is an amazing place and we are so glad that we got out to see it!

Here are just a few more photos of the ruins.  The top one is of one of two aquaducts.  The photo to the right is of a meeting hall and place where they enjoyed music!

We have purchased bus tickes for a 15:00 (3:00 pm) bus to Side where we will spend the night.

Marty climbing up through the brambles.

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