Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Home and more transitions

As we started our journey on 9 February we noted that bridges were transitions.  We crossed many of those major bridges on our return to Maine and as we crossed them this time they represented the steps in returning home.  Transitions are good things!  Stopping for a few days is also a transition and we had a wonderful few days in Arlington, VA with son Bill, his wife Arlyn and daughter, Tonia, but missed seeing Seth, Nia, Kira and Sandro as they were still in Paris!

We spent a lovely afternoon at Dumbarton Oaks in Georgetown with the family on Saturday.  If you have never visited this place when in DC, it is worth the time and effort to roam the gardens and visit the museum!  Not to forget the history of the place either as it was the location of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944 which really gave birth to the format of the United Nations.

No one ever accused us of being a serious family!
When we arrived home, it took us a good few hours of back and forth between the camper and the house, plus a few more to get the last things out.  It is interesting that it takes longer to unpack the camper than it did to pack it up!  How can that be: must be some law or theory that governs such things.

The buds on trees and bushes in Hallowell are just starting to fill out.  Garlic has managed to push up through the leaves that protected them this past winter as well.  There are seeds to gather from the New Zealand spinach both for giving to friends and to replant.

Total mileage was just under 4800 miles; 15 states, 19 different parks.  Great trip!

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