Friday, September 14, 2012

Less than 50 hours

Nepal awaits and we've taken over our front guest room as a staging area for packing.  Right now it is all prep.  Packing the fast drying clothes and towels, hiking sticks, printing off visa-sized photos for not just the visas but also for trekking permits.  Prep also includes getting our vegetables from the garden frozen or otherwise preserved.  It is all happening step by step.  We're now at about 49.5 hours before lift-off in Boston.

As we look ahead to the trip and how we'll communicate with you we know that there will be periods when there will just be no Internet.  We'll try to do posts every few days.  Our trip will include two periods when we'll be trekking and no connectivity.  We'll share destinations and activities soon.

Some of the things from our garden!

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