Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, Oct 11

This morning we arose at 4:30 and left the hotel at 4:45 and drove to the top of Sarangkot (1592m) to see the Annapurna range as the sun rose. We arrived well in advance of dawn and waited with hot coffees in hand as it got brighter and then the sun gradually illuminated it all. Spectacular beyond words! The third try for David and Marty was the charm. We took many photos, but you will have to wait to see them.

Oh yes, while we waited in the chilly breeze, we got swaddled in warm shawls by the staff of the viewing place which was also a coffee shop and gift store.

Now Marty and Harry are headed to Chitwan and David and Marty off to trek more locally.

David shows off his new shirt below !

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