Monday, February 25, 2013

On the Road Observations

Although we have driven this route before, this time we are picking up on signage and buildings that somehow escaped us two years ago. One thing for starters, is what to Marty is a conflict. A building boasted gun sales; "buy, sell, or trade; largest dealer (location unspecified)". Along side that signage is a banner proclaiming "Jesus is Lord". We wonder, if Jesus were alive, what would he think about the idea of carrying a concealed weapon? Would he have had such a permit? It might have saved him from crucifixion and the entirety of Christianity would have been changed.

Then there are road signs and billboards for things such as an Adult Super Store promoting "ClubWear". Let your imagination go wild on that one. Also, there are the billboards for "Gentlemen's Clubs." All these things we just don't seem to have in the liberal north, or if we do, we don't advertise them to the world.

We stopped at the information center on the Natchez Trace in Collinwood, TN, and chatted with Dorothye McGrath (the volunteer Executive Director) of the Wayne County Welcome Center. She is a charming young (at 82) "southern" lady who takes great pride in the Trace and the volunteers she coordinates. She also loves technology and uses an iPad along with her computers at work and at home. We parted after an extended chit chat and peanut butter cookies which she made! This is the same center where we had stopped two years ago and were charmed by two other "young" volunteers! Twas a real treat to be there again.

Down below Tupelo we drove along a stretch of about five miles where trees along both sides of the road had been blown down by a tornado two years ago. It was really odd, because buildings back from the Trace a bit were apparently unharmed. It seems that the tornado had followed the Trace exactly.

Marty drove from the Tennessee River to our campground at mile 193 (Jeff Busby). It is a first come, first served campground with no fees! We are only one of three units camping here this evening. There are very few campsites in this location so it was good that we arrived shortly after 3 pm and didn't have any great masses of vacationing college students arriving.

The Natchez Trace is 444 miles long from Nashville to Natchez Mississippi, and we drove about 250 miles of it today at the speed limit of 50 mph. We agree that as of tomorrow we will have had sufficient Trace experience, and will hop off at Jackson and head toward New Orleans on roads where we can make better time.

captions for photos will be added later today!
Doroythe, the Volunteer Coordinator
Beginning of the trace
Bridge over the Tennessee on the Trace
Muki figures out how to be in the closet!
Lily wants to be in the closet but there is no place to go
Jeff Busby Campground
Okay, a little "corn"'s a view of the View with a view of the Tennessee.

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