Sunday, March 2, 2014

Here we are in damp Pismo Beach

It's raining.  Yes, raining.  We had some rain overnight (Thrusday) in Los Padres which created small lakes (but nothing like what Paul and Dee encountered north of New Orleans last year).  We slipped out onto Paradise road and then CA 154 seeing a handful of rock slides.  Fortunately, there were none that were serious and none that really made us do more than just dodge a few rocks.  It could have been a lot worse.

We decided to have our breakfast in a small city/town named Solvang.  It's Danish and was founded in the 1900's.  There are all sorts of things that make you think Denmark there.  The building sytles, the restaurant names, the bakeries, the food, the bakeries.  Did we mention bakeries?  Yes, Danish pastries and breads.  After a breakfast that was okay we purchased wonderful pastries to take for the road. The town also boasts a motorcycle museum, however, it was closed.  The information online was that this was a really great museum.  Oh well.  Marty and Dee did some window shopping and looking in shops.
Our breakfast spot!
Dee in front of the bakery where we got our pastries.
The windmill and below, more Danishness!

Once on the road, it was raining agin.  We made it to Pismo Beach and before the afternoon was done we were on the beach walking in the wind watching the sand be blown and the waves crash on the shore.

Below is the foam being blown/blasted down the beach.

Dee's being chased by the water and foam!

You can see the sand being blown, it was hard on the face when you looked at it and just blasted at the ankles.

The little shore birds were flying in large flocks and as the water would recede, they would land in the foam and start looking for food.

David and Paul examine a huge seaweed that was dislodged by the strong currents and tossed up onto the beach.  

Saturday afternoon in the rain and mist we got out for a walk along the lagoon between the ocean and campground.  There were lots of birds there including several pairs of Mallards.  This handsome male was on the shore and allowed us to come quite close to him.


We awoke not to better weather but more showers!  By end of day though the clouds had broken up and we actually saw a sunset!  Academy Awards were watched and we didn't have to stay up until midnight like those of you on the east coast!

Tomorrow we head north up into Big Sur country.  We are all looking forward to it too.  Plus there will be some sunshine.

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