Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday and Wednesday are Transition Days

We left Oakland on Tuesday morning and had only a short drive north into Napa Valley.  Our campground is Bothe-Nappa State Park just a short drive north of the village of Napa.  There are vineyards everywhere.  There are wine tasting rooms everywhere.  The problem is selecting the vineyard at which you really want to stop.  

First the campground.  This is a small campground with only 50 sites.  The sites are wooded and one side is close enough to a stream so that one hears the water.   Tis a lovely sound to be sure.  We also have a family of Steller's Jays.  On Wednesday morning three were near the Thornton's camper and Marty has been trying to photograph in low light.  Yes, she could attach her specialized flash for shooting but is concerned that it would frighten them.  With luck there will be a photo inserted below for those of you who love birds and would like to see one.

A little bit of information about this Jay.  It is western bird, mostly near the coast all the way from Alaska down into Central America!  It is the only crested western jay.  Even though the photos were taken in low light, there is enough detail so you can see the markings on the front of the face.  We may or may not get another try at photographing these guys, but if not, then this is enough.

On Tuesday after getting the campers set up, we all piled into Paul's truck to do wine-tasting.  Well, we all piled into Paul's truck so Dee and Marty could do wine-tasting.  Our first stop was interesting.  The vitner had about as much personality as a wet dish rag.  Or, had about as much interest in us as if we were wet dish rags.  Either way, it was a chilly reception and we were turned off by the man's posture toward us.  Next stop was the Charles Krug winery.  Here we were greeted by staff at the door and entered into a marvelous structure, one of the vineyards originals built in 1867.  It was the original building where wine was produced and stored.  

Carefully pruned and on wire.  Mustard is planted between the rows and will be mowed and maybe turned under (we don't know the answer to that).
Below, our tasting glass.


The vitner who told us about the wines and served us.

The original building at Charles Krug.  This vineyard is owned by Peter to Robert Mondavi.

Dee and Marty after tasting (five wines and about 3 tabelspoons of each) a $20 adventure.  Hum.

 David and Paul enjoy a glass of water while the tasting is going on.

After the tasting we returned to the campground and went for a lovely hike in mixed forrest with one section of it being in towering redwoods.  A great dinner od grilled chicken and a fire finished off a wonderful day.

Going to post this now because I am not sure we'll have the time tomorrow.  Currently in Davis just by the University!

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