Thursday, March 26, 2015

Last day in the Caverns

Wednesday was our last day in the Florida Caverns State Park and on Thursday, the day we hope to post this, we will be headed toward Panama City and Topsail Hill Preserve State Park.  Then on Sunday we begin our trek back to Maine via Atlanta and northern VA.

Tuesday we got our boats into the river here in the park and paddled upstream against a pretty good current.  It was a nice paddle and photos below give you a feeling for the river and the woods through which it flows.

Here Dee and Paul and ducking to avoid the branches.

David does the work when Marty uses the iPad for photos.

If you have really good eyes you can see the water snake in the branches!  Marty and Dee were not crazy about being so close to it!

The river is really pretty and the best part of the paddle was letting the current take us back effortlessly to the boat landing.

On Wednesday we got in a nice hike around the park but were surprised or not see much for wild life.  

This has been an interesting park and really quite enjoyable, with many potential hikes and remarkably we had no mosquitoes!  Every night and sometimes during the day we have been hearing either Barred Owl or Great Horned Owls.  Since we have not seen them we are making this identification by listening to the bird's calls in our Audubon Guide.  Our camp sites have also been visited frequently by the Carolina Wren which is certainly a lovely bird.

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