Thursday, June 18, 2015

Off on a new adventure

As we start our blog We are on the bus headed to Logan and a flight to Seattle.  We have never been there which is a good enough reason to go.  This morning as we packed and got ready Lily hid and Muki tried to make himself part of the trip by lying atop David's shirts that were being packed.

Now we are most of he way to Boston and it is a beautiful day.  We will arrive in Seattle around 19:30 and take the light rail into the city, then a bus out to where we are staying in an Airb&b.  This will be our first experience using that service to find a place and so far what we will pay is a lot less than what we were seeing for room rates in the city.

We decided that this is the first time the two of us have flown together all the way across the country westward since about 1967.  Guess it has been a few years!

Over the UP of Michigan

We are over North Dakota now, a few clouds but mostly we can look down at the flatness of this part of the country.  Lots of little lakes below us as we head toward Bismark.  Soon we will pass over the Missouri River.  It is really pretty neat being able to connect with the Internet while we are 35,000 ft up! Below you can see the river (somewhat) and lake Sakakawea formed by a dam at Riverdale.

David remembers flying cross-country years ago and trying to follow along using a map of the US to spot landmarks below.  Now we can use mapping programs on our tablets and, being on-line, being able to zoom into rivers, lakes and towns below.  Great stuff!

Now there are just too many clouds to see much, just us happy campers.

We arrived nearly 45 minutes later than scheduled and found our way to the Light Rail and purchased tickets...$3 each for a ride taking about 30 minutes right into downtown.  After getting to street level we spotted a cab stand and rather to try the bus at that hour took a cab and were soon at the b&b.  It was now midnight eastern time and we were ready to rest.  Sleep has been fitful with our time zone change but we have wifi, private bath, and a patio all to ourselves.  Soon we will shower and head to the nearest Starbucks for breakfast and coffee and walk into Pike Place Market, which is about two miles from where we are staying. 

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