Saturday, February 20, 2016

Another winter trip begins

For the first time in years we left Hallowell with almost no snow on the ground.  It has been, according to everyone, one very strange winter and we have not had all that much snow.  The weather has been all these things, but not necessarily in this order:  warm, cold, wet, windy, and some snow.  The Kennebec river has been frozen, thawed, frozen, ice jammed up, thawed, and refrozen.  Crazy, crazy, crazy.  Our normal routine of cleaning carpets using snow has only half done this year and now since we have "hit the road" the remaining carpets will not get cleaned.

Last year we made it as far as Savannah before we had a problem, that was the total failure of our camoer's transmission.  Okay, 10 days in Savannah.  We discovered a lot about the city and that LaQuinta allowed us to have the cats in the room with us.  We like the city and enjoyed finding th Growler Store where we got wonderful beer samples and filled a growler several times.  Okay, that is history.  

We had a weekend of grandchildren and basketball!  And floor time with the twins.  How much they all have change just since Christmas. 

Monday morning found us sitting in a Sprinter service waiting room in Rockville as they trouble shot the transmission on the camper.  Seems that on our way down every time we hit a bump the transmission changed gears.   

We have just spent the night in Hungry Mother State Park in southern VA.  It was just starting to rain when we arrived and has rained all night.  We will drive all day in the rain and camp on the Natches Trace tonight.  This is a big storm on which we appear to be on the edge and to the north there is snow and to the south of us there is very heavy rain and potentially tornados. 

A quick stop in Starbucks to post this.  So, really, this is just to let you know we are on the move.

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