Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Saturday Paddle

This is not our usual posting for travel, but recently we've decided that Facebook isn't where we want to post some things.  What more can we say?

Today we paddled with friend, Judy, on Belgrade Stream up to Ingham Stream and into Ingham Pond.  It was windier than we had thought it would be but figured that whatever we paddled into would be at our backs on the return trip.   Well, that didn't seem to be the case and we got a very good workout over three hours of paddling.

The shots below are form our trip today.  Just some nice ones that were taken with the wrong lens (300mm) vs something more manageable.  But, the shots came out for the most part even with the kayak being tossed about by the wind.

So this is just a way to share a few things with friends without broadcasting to the world.  Enjoy.

Painted turtle on a piece of floating wood
Pink water lily
A flower in the rose family...not being a naturalist, you won't get the right ID from us.

Love these beautiful little damsel flies.

Dragon flies rule!
Not sure what this is, but it was pretty!

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