Sunday, December 4, 2016

Settling In

Wednesday, November 30

There are one or two photos that we want to share, taken late Tuesday afternoon on our way back to the flat..  As we continue to reflect on changes in the city, the things we find charming and that make the city interesting to us are the quirky little things one would not find someplace else.

Below is a woman filling a bobbin on her sewing machine, using the wheel at the end.  The machine is a very old Singer.  We had paused in front of the tailor shop where about six or seven women were doing repairs on clothes.  Fascinating to see all these women using old machines.  
The ugly building in our previous posting is built from within the framework of what had been a really nice building.  So, as our friend Dato says, it is like someone lifting his middle finger at you in the way it emerges from the old building's exterior walls.  Have to agree with him on that.  Here is a shot showing the Post Office building with the middle finger building rising behind it.


On a side street off of Rustaveli one finds Tsereteli's Apple.  At this moment it seems quite crowded in between a large building and the Museum of  overnight Art.  
Behind the apple and down some steps is a small courtyard where we saw these wonderful huge hands.
Off the main drag, we were immersed into the unrennovated city and saw the things we find interesting, edgy and exciting to the eye.


It is always reassuring to see a well-fed cat in the window of someone's flat.


Now on to Wednesday

Wednesday was the IWA (International Women's Association) meeting to which Marty went with Nana Kalandadze.  The meeting was at a new art gallery in the Vake region.


This is a very small gallery and both Marty and Nana were surprised that the coffee morning was going to be held there.  As part of the coffee morning several artists were invited to demonstrate and to give a class to the members present.

Below are some photos from the gallery and of the artists who demonstrated.

Above Nana and Taco Johnson try their hand at the printing method.


Two gallery shots, some distortion in the photos due to the fact they were taken as panaromas.



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