Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday, December 7 - Part two

As promised, we continue with Part Two of 12/7, as we make the effort to get caught up and share as many photos as we can.

We did quite a bit of walking around in old town on Sunday and ate lunch in Tartine, a very French/European-type cafe.  It is just a nice place for lunch and to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee or light meal.  Below are some photos from our lunch:

Marty's quiche of the day, feta with tomato and a green salad on the side
David's lunch of Fish soup and Georgian salad
Interior of Tartine 

We looked for one of our old favorite houses which had been surviving in the middle of ongoing urban renewal.  Alas, it is gone now and a new structure as well as a deep hole have replaced it.  Such loss of historic structures makes us just a little sad.  Maybe it is that we don't want the Georgia we first new to be replaced by something modern even though we know that some parts must inevitably be replaced.  With any luck at all though, some structure will survive and give future visitors to the city a sense of the elegance and grace of the original structures.

Always a delight and colorful are the small sidewalk shops selling both fresh fruit and traditional Georgian sweets.

The view above is very typical of the side streets in the old town.  Broken streets, overhead pipes, and plenty of character.

This is one of our favorite carpet shops.  David started shopping here in 2000 when he first came to Tbilisi.  For sure, we will buy more carpets from them over the coming years.

On our way out of the old town we got more shots into courtyards such as below.
Marty likes to take shots of laundry flapping in the breeze. 


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