Friday, February 17, 2017

Winter Trip 2017

On the Road

It was a balmy 1.8 F this am when we got up to finish packing the camper and get ourselves on the road.  Initially the View wouldn't turn over so David gave the battery a boost and we pulled out of our yard at 07:00.  We connected with Dee and Paul at Sears Ane were greeted by Deb and Trudie with donuts from Lakeside Orchard.  The road has been just a little sloppy and our windshield washers were frozen up.  We fixed that at the rest area at Kennebunk with some hot water.  Now the highway is really pretty dry, but we have quite a stiff gusty breeze from the West.

We had lots of wind the entire drive.  Lots of slush laced with salt covering both our campers that will have to stay until we get some rain or can wash things.  Our overnight was in Mechanicsburg, PA in a Walmart parking lot.  Dinner and breakfast in a large diner (Silver Springs Diner).  Big portions and pretty good food...not a Cracker Barrel...possibly more liberal!

Now Saturday, a beautiful morning, temperature just below 30.  We are headed to Charlotte, NC for another free overnight in a Walmart parking lot.

Friends in Maine say it was s snowing again and this storm might bring 21" to central Maine.  Our son Bill has heard up to 48" for the coast.  Guess we got out of town just in town.

Passing very big distribution (trucking) buildings on I-81 south of Carlisle.

This is beautiful farm country, tidy farms with rolling hills.  Pennsylvania Dutch country.

 We drove on I-81 through Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia to I-77 and took that all the way to Charlotte, NC where we spent another night in a Walmart parking lot.  David has an app for his iPad that lists all the Walmarts and tells which ones allow overnighting by RVs.  There are comments allowed where folks can add specifics about their experience with a particular store.  David had read that this one allowed overnighting but we asked anyway and were told "no".  Then he said it was just an RV, not a commercial vehicle and suddenly we were told we could use the "overflow" parking near the garden center.  This turned out too be five spaces just in front of a bus stop!  It wasn't too bad and with the temperature staying in the low 60's and high 50's overnight, it was comfortable for sleeping.

Sunday, 12 February - we were on the road by 7:30 am after breakfast in a very new will appointed McDonalds.  We drove a few miles on the loop around Charlotte and then took I-85 and that will take us all the way to Peach Tree City.  The temperature has bee hovering in the high 60s and low 70s.  And rather than snow, we are getting some light rain, maybe it will wash some of the road salt off the camper and bikes on the back.

View from the View as we drove right through downtown Atlanta.

We arrived at Ben's (Paul's nephew) in Peqchtree City and conversation and catching up began.  Paul is Ben's favorite uncle and there is a close bond between the two.  Dee and Marty got to walk the the golf cart trails to the grocery store for some things needed for Monday's drive.  Peachtree City has an amazing network these trails allowing people to drive to shops and do business without using their cars.  The trails are wonderful and allow one to be more in a natural environment.  This is a planned community of around 40,000.  It is unusual in that it doesn't feel like a city, but clusters of smaller centers with shops and housing all in forested areas.  

Monday morning we headed south toward Panama City and St Andrews State Park.  The park is right on the Gulf of Mexico and although it has lots of camp sites, most are somewhat secluded with trees affording a reasonable amount of privacy.  We are in adjoining sites but cannot see each other's camper.


There are some sites with direct access to water, we think that next time we would try for one of those.

Below, David, Dee, and Paul in our preferred mode of transportation.  Great day to paddle as there was no wind.


On Tuesday we got out on the Grand Lagoon and paddled.  It was a beautiful warm day and we got to see some of of our northern birds with winter plumage.  Below is the common loon!  How different they look without their black feathers.


While paddling we saw Red-Breasted Merganzers, such a striking bird that winters along the Florida coasts.  Below are three females.

The males are much flashier, see below.  This raft containing both makes and females.

Wednesday and Thursday (February 15-16)

This park is loaded with birds.  We have put out some seed and have gotten quite a wide variety including Carolina Chickadees, Brown Thrashers, Yellow-rumped warblers, Eastern Towhees, Cardinals, Catbirds, Northern Mockingbirds, and others.

The shore and wet lands are allowing us to see many Great Blue Herons and Egrets plus Coots.  And we have seen deer as well, some adults and also some very young ones.  And even a bunny.

Here are some of our favorites:  


Wednesday the wind really came up and our weather turned cooler.  It was still great for walking the beach and watching the kite surfers.  The middle photo shows just how high up they could would go.  At least 50-60' above the surf.  We were fascinated.  Walking around though was harder with the wind blowing sand against our legs, it felt like little stinging creatures.

We are heading further south on Saturday and will try to update the blog with more photos and information at that time.  With limited wifi we have not done such a good job this trip.

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