Friday, June 9, 2017

And so it begins again

Here we are in Logan airport waiting by our gate and since our last international flight we now are in seats where every seat has either an electrical outlet or USB connection.  There are also counter top arrangements as well with multiple plugs available!  Last year we did not see these at all.  Since our world is so plugged in this somewhat makes sense.

There was supposed to be greater security or more security procedures here but we didn't experience anything that seemed different to us from previous trips through this airport.

Tha flight was not quite full and there were only a handful of screaming tir d children, however, they all seemed to go to sleep quite quickly.  


Oh first stop after getting of the airplane was one of two Starbucks where we could access wi-fi and good coffee.  We sat and drank our coffees and emailed and downloaded stuff for almost two hours and then were either just walking around, sitting, or napping.  We had eight hours to kill and David and Marty decided to stay at the airport with our Maine friends who accidentally ended up on the same flight with us.  Since they are not going to o have enough time to go into Istanbul on their return flight we decided we would also kill time with them here and do our into the city bit when we have closer to 20 hours between flights.

This airport just gets busier and busier and one sees so many people from other countries and cultures.  It is not boring to people watch.  Some of the "native" different clothing we saw today was from Turkmenistan.  Women in very colorful long dresses with very interesting head coverings.  There was no way to discretely take photos but I did get a few which I will try to share if I can figure out how get them from an Andeoid phone to the IOS iPad.

It is easy to lose track of actual time when you are dealing with an eight hour difference between the east coast of the US and Turkey and then add one more hour for Georgia putting us nine hours ahead of home.  When we arrive early Thursday on Georgian time it will be 18:35 on Wednesday for our family and friends reading this.  We will have been traveling for roughly 29 hours door to door.  We have been eating every five or six hours so our bodies have no clue where they are.

We are staying in an Airbnb for about 26 hours between arriving in Tbilisi and taking the train to Batumi.  It is a very interesting place, one very large room with two queen sized beds at opposite ends of the room.  Here is a photo of David sitting mid room. Marty is standing by bed one near the door  bed two is behind David.

We didn't get a whole lot of sleep that first morning, but it will get better.

Headed to Batumi today-Friday.  Will write about our first day in the city while we are on the train.

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