Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday's weather impact

Thursday morning.  Last night's dinner was chicken cooked over hot coals and eaten outdoor in pleasant temperatures.  We even roasted marshmallows and ate them!  This is the fun part of camping and cooking outside.  Sometime in the night we woke to rain and this morning we can see that the tops of the mountains have fresh snow.  Our plans for today had included going tom the northern part of Zion to do some hikes up there, however, there might be just too much snow for safe hiking.  The rangers in the visitor center will be able to give us updated and accurate trail conditions so we will consult with them before we go.  Marty went to the Visitor's Center and consulted with the rangers.  It doesn't look promising.

We are headed toward Arches and Moab as Bryce is supposed to get 6" of snow today and 12" tomorrow.  Weather for Zion is 30% chance of rain/snow today and 60% tomorrow.  Our current temperature at nearly 11 am is only 40 and there is sleet coming down.  The area we planned to hike today is getting snow and the trails will be wet, muddy and slippery.  So, we made the decision over breakfast and we may well stay in a motel tonight and watch the NCAA basketball tourney if the games we want to see are on, else we'll do it tomorrow night.  Cannot compromise all our other interests just for the sake of camping and hiking.  Paul and David do have interests best met by seeing rather than reading postmortems of games. 

Even with the change in weather, looking up the canyon with the fresh snow, it is so beautiful here.  We encourage all of you who have never been here to put it on your bucket list!

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