Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday our last full day on the sea coast

We went to bed with last evening with the threat of more thunder storms and we had them all night long.  We have a metal roof so it has been nice hearing the rain.  One of the guys who works here said that this was the first rain they had had since May, so it is certainly welcome.  This was an interesting place to stay, we were on the thrid floor and had three beds of which two were twins and one queen.  The queen-sized bed had such an awful mattress we couldn't sleep on it, so we used the twin beds.  The shower stall was tiny, so tiny that you really had a hard time turning around in it once you closed the doors.  There was also no hot water because of the storm the night before and somethingn to do with the electricty which got knocked out.  And then there was the height of the ceiling in the bathroom...David had to bend over to use the mirror else he would have hit his head!  The location was great though and the food more than adequate and the city of Fethiye is a real one, not just tourist based businesses!
View from our room!
After breakfast and checking out we were picked up by a tour organization for a "grand adventure."  We got onto their bus shortly after 10 am and at 11 am we were still picking up other tour participants!  Amazing...

Our first stop was Yaka Park...why we needed to stop here was a mystery to us, it was a series of pools and man made waterfalls and trout in the bar (see photo).  We were given 40 minutes to take photos here...we think the driver or tour company gets a kickback from these places for bringing in tourists.

People are encouraged to put their hands in this icy cold water and pick up the young trout.  They are very used to this and we did put our hands in and basically pet them!

From Yaka Park we went to the place we really were anxious to see.  Tlos was one of six major cities of Lycia, it is one of the oldest and largest of these settlements which eventually was inhabited by the Ottoman Turks through the 19th century!  This settlement dates from the 2nd century BC.  We were so looking forward to having adequate time to explore and photograph this place that when the driver said we had 30 minutes and we could get coffee at the cafe I couldn't hold it back.  I walked to the front of the bus and said, "You gave us 40 minutes to take photos of fish and now you are giving us 30 mintues to explore and take photos of ruins.  It makes no sense!"  He somewhat relented and we did end up with all of 50 minutes.  Even 50 minutes was not enough to see these extensive ruins and we should have had at lease 90 or longer!

There will be many more photos down the road, probably on flickr after we get back to the US.

After Tlos we headed for lunch at a restaurant where we ate some great trout....and then spend 2.5 hours at a place that none of us needed more than about 60 minutes to experience.  This was the Saklikent Gorge where you paid to walk up the gorge to a point that if you wanted, you could cross the river (muddy) and walk in the mud up the gorge and wade again (up to most individual's waists) to see a waterfall.  None of our group did this, at most they put their feet in the water and watched everyone else.  And then we all killed time until the tour bus driver was ready to take us back to town!

Once back in Fethiye we were dropped off at the otogar and almost immediately got on a bus to Dalaman where we are spending the night and from which we'll fly out tomorrow.

Our sea coast adventure is now nearly over.  We have certainly learned a lot about what we wouldn't do again and what we would do more of if given the opportunity.  On Saturday we'll be in Georgia!  We are anxious to see family and friends.

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