Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Safely in Istanbul

We have arrived in Instanbul.  Weather is cloudy and there was some rain and it's cooler than what we left in Tbilisi!  Actually, the change feels pretty nice.

Got our coffee fix too!  It is everywhere, except in Georgia unless it is hiding.

Bicycles in Istanbul!  Yes!  Soon visitors will be able to rent these bikes for touring around the city.  A nice man on the street said that they were going to reduce traffic in the old part of the city by banning cars on at least one street.  Also that there would be bikes with batteries as well.  A good idea to help keep this amazing city clean!

Turkish Delight
And what is a visit to Turkey without a little drooling over the Turkish Delight you see in so many shops.  It is soooooo sweet and soooo wonderful.  But we settled for something not sweet for our breakfast.  The hotel would have charged us 15 TL each for their breakfast so we headed out on the street and found a small cafe where we got some flaky crusted yummy goodies.

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