Friday, November 9, 2012

A Travel Sandwich

We are on the first day of our travel to Tbilisi via McLean, VA!  We left Hallowell shortly after 5:00 am and experienced almost no traffic until we got to 495 around DC!  We arrived just before 4:00 pm.  Amazingly there was nearly no traffic in NJ!

Here I am with Kira!  The wonders of technology allow us to do this. 

I never explained why this is a sandwich trip. It is because we are starting our trip in VA then going to Istanbul and Tbilisi, then returning to VA.  Hence, a sandwich of travel.  

We're spending time with Seth and his family on the front end of the trip and the backend of the trip with Bill and Arlyn and Tonia.  So, we'll cover all the family bases and of course, in Tbilisi we'll see all sorts of family and friends close enough to be considered family.

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