Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Nieve or Gullible or Both

WOW, we have spent the day connecting with friends and at the flat major cleaning.  For the past two years we have not really stayed in the flat ourselves so we were not monitoring how things were being maintained, or not.  In some cases it is mostly "or not."  Coking things were just all over the place...not in a logical place, but as though they had been just moved hastily to accommodate other peoples' things.  Which I know is partly the case, however, our things never got put back into place and hence were in all the wrong places!  So it is major reorganization and a lot of food mot properly stored just got tossed out.  Now cupboards are washed and things being put back into logical order vs total randomness.  And I am sorry for the folks who have rented from us because they probably never found some things they might have enjoyed using olke mixing bowls, measuring spoons...little things 
Iike that.

We got to Prosperos for a second day.  Things are beginning to look festive at least in isolated areas.

We also got to go for a walk in our part of the city and were pleasantly surprised to see more buildings fixed up.

Vorontsov Square is more spiffy as you can see from the photo above.  There are no more street vendors so the feeling of the place has changed.  Lost one of our little markets and gained a shoe store.  We liked the market.

Later in the day we got a walk in along Agmashenabeli and saw a new building (below) and were surprised as it was not there last year.  There also seem to be many more bridal shops too.  And we might add, they are very up scale.  As the urban renewal moves along we wonder how long will the little mom and pop stores be able to survive.  

There are also still the old courtyards and falling down buildings, how long  they will still be here before they can longer be fixed up and some decides to just tear them down.

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