Friday, December 6, 2013


Weather is still windy and cool, but doesn't feel as cold as Tuesday.  Today we got out for a longer walk all the way to the big market.  Back in 2000 when we first came to Georgia there was a huge green market with a large building where you could find all kinds of fish and meats along with cheeses, flours, fresh fruits, dried fruits, basically anything grown for eating.  This structure was torn down a few years ago and we all wondered what would become of the vendors and also those who shopped daily or weekly for their foods here.

Several years have passed and now we find that there is a new modern structure that is nearly complete and refrigerator display cases ready for installation.  Some are in place and some large tanks of fresh fish can been seen.  It will take some to time to fill this place, but we are certain it will be much better for the vendors.

Tnis place has a similar feel to that of the newer market in Yerevan.  The photos that follow show some of th vendors.
This used to be so familiar, vendor after vendors 
selling flours and corn meal.  Below, more nuts.  Vendors will generally have about four grades of shelled walnuts along with nuts in the shell.  This vendor had walnuts, hazel nuts, cashews, peanuts, and pistachios

Cheese vendor with suluguni and shebolili.

Nuts and more nuts!

As we headed home we paused for some coffe at a local shop and as we left caught this sight.

I am a sucker for cats, street cats in particular.  This beautiful cat was resting on a decaying uprooted stump.  He or she was not afraid of me and allowed me to get quite close as I was taking this with the iPad!

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