Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The trip really begins now

After spending three nights with our families in Virginia, we have really begun our tirip this morning.  While in Virginia David and Marty spent time with all five of their grand kids and Dee and Paul stayed with Dee's oldest son, Preston, and family.

Bill and Arlyn's twins continue to amaze with their growth and development.  Julian is trying to say mama and he cut his first tooth.  His sister Natalia rolls everywhere she wants to go and shows signs of pre crawling.  Both are now getting some solid foods.  Big sister Tonia has re started participation in Ti quan do.  She took time off after earning her black belt and started to miss it.  She participated in District Chours (Louden County) concert which was really a wonderful event.  Such wonderful music and a select bunch of very talented high school singers.
Albino White-breasted nuthatch see at Seth and Nia's.

Seth and Nia celebrated their 11th anniversary and Kira celebrated her 8th birthday!  We got to see part of Kira's first ever swim team practice too in a facility with 12 lanes!  Beautiful facility paid for by the taxpayers of Faifax county.  We saw birds at their feeders that we never see at home, but the furry gray critters were there, just like at home, munching and crunching on seed from the feeders.  It was so much fun to spend time with all of the grandchildren and their parents too.

We left early on Monday am and headed south and after 700 miles arrived in Peachtree City.  We drove through some beautiful country and some snow too.

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