Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday

As we drive across southern Louisiana we are experiencing temps in the low 30's!  It is cloudy and as we get closer to Texas there are higher clouds and no rain.  There have been many flooded fields, rice fields we think, with thousands of white birds which we are assuming are all egrets!  By the time we stopped for the day it was sunny, clear, and most importantly nearly 60!

While we were driving we thought we saw a golden eagle...we will never know for sure.

The above shot is just a look at flooded rice fields in Louisana.

We are very aware of the storm we escaped and hope that all our family and friends are holed up in the warmth of their homes.

Best creek name seen so far is "Hollaring Woman Creek".  

We ate our dinner in a restaurant called Sammy's in Castroville.  Supposed to be a local favorite.  Food was okay and prices were reasonable.  Our young waiter was most entertaining.  Paul asked him about the local beers and he informed us that he was 18 and didn't really know or couldn't say if the beer was good.  Dee asked about a certain dish which he said was pretty good, but added that he got it fixed differently than it was sold because he worked there.


We have spent the night in a rest area on US90 west on San Antonio; the temp outside is a balmy 34.  We stopped for coffee in Uvalde's Walmart where the McDonalds is located and we had wifi.

We are headed to Del Rio

Just saw Sand Hill Cranes in a field the other side of Uvalde.  And then our first check point (Border Patrol) with a tall communications tower and lots and lots of CAMERAS!  We have seen the BP folks dragging tires behind their vehicles in order to make it easier to spot footprints. 

Here we are in Sanderson.

Old building in Sanderson behind the Tourist Information Center.
On the road into the park.
Getting close to the Rio Grand Village campground.

The weather here is lovely.  As we drove into the park the temp showed 81 on the camper's display.  It is nice to be back here.  Such a great park.  We fixed our dinner and ate it outside mostly by the light of a full or nearly full moon.  We are looking forward to hiking on Friday and seeing what birds there are here now.

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