Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hillsborough River State Park

We arrived at Hillsborough River State Park on Saturday afternoon following a visit with David's sister and her husband.  We had lunch with them and on our way out they gave us two pies!  We found traffic was heavy going into and out of the Tampa/St. Pete area and we were very glad to get out of it and off the major highway onto US 301, a smaller road.  

The drive across from Sebring to Tampa/St Pete was interesting. It wasn't on major roads and it was fun to drive through farming areas where we saw not just orange grove, but also other fields including a huge strawberry operation, which was producing such a wonderful aroma we could smell it from the camper.

Field of unknown produce.

On the bridge leading into Tampa/St Pete.

Our campsite at Hillsborough River State Park.

We arrived late and only set up our campsites and ate dinner on Saturday evening.  Sunday we explored on bike and then spent the afternoon split between the swimming pool and watching Wisconsin beat Michigan State in overtime for the Big10 b-ball conference title.

On Sunday we also saw many campers leave and more came in, but we think the campground is probably not quite full.  There has been enough rain here so that there are some camping areas that are quite wet and muddy.  We have only one small area of mud and Dee and Paul have none.

Today (Monday) we have gotten out for a most lovely paddle on the river.  We all agree it is one of the best ones we have had on any of our trips together out of state.  The river is also loaded with alligators and turtles and we kept count (6 gators and 10 turtles) of actual critters not sightings as it would have been a higher count if we had done that.

One brave turtle!

Dee and Paul get caught in the sun beams coming through the trees.

Above is one of the lovely little bridges we saw and passed under.  The water was so still that we were awed by the beautiful reflections.

The river passes through about five or six state and county parks and one could access them all by boat it they chose.  This river also has one of the few "rapids" in the entire state.  We would guess them to be about 30-40 feet long and maybe a class 0.5...in other words, not much action.

Here's a baby gator just sunning on a small log.

Just one of many wonderful shots going down the river.  It is hard not to love being in such beauty.


Tuesday and we are on the road.  Happy St Pat's Day to all.

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