Sunday, November 15, 2015

Monday at Sanga-Sangai

Monday was a good day for us as we were able to connect with our friend Rajesh who runs an educational program/school, for younger kids not yet in public school.  His goal is to prevent at risk kids from becoming street children and if he serves street kids is to elevate them at least to the at risk level.  He is a dreamer and has energy and trusts I the future and what he is doing.

After the earthquake it was necessary for him to build two rooms onto the structure he was using as a school as it was no longer safe.  Below is David and Rajesh in front of the addition he built.

Before you enter the school, you remove your shoes as the children sit on the floor.  Removing shoes before entering houses is the norm here, and even for small schools.

The photo below shows the classroom with older children.
Rajesh's wife is the teacher for this classroom.  The children are taught English as well as learning songs in French and Nepali!  Their affection for their teacher is obvious!

Below is a shot of the older students.  Please note the girl in front on the left.  She has Down's Syndrome and we first saw her three years ago.  She has made so much progress and is a lovely girl.

We had time to talk with Rajesh and discuss the future of the school and how might funds be raised to help support it.

We were also treated to a wonderful children's song with lots of animation on their part before we left.  There are several photos below showing their performance.

After the performance it was time to return to school work and to bid us farewell.

Everyone wanted their photo taken by Marty, which was just fine with her as she loves showing the kids their photos.

The last shot of they was of our favorite young lady who gave Marty a big hug too.

Children don't come any sweeter than this girl.  And, the kids in this school are so special that is why this day's blog is devoted just to them!

If you are interested in helping support this school, contact us.  It receives no government funding and is solely supported by sponsors from around the world.  Rajesh's goal is to build his own actual school so that it has a permanent place of its own, not just rented space. 

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