Thursday, November 12, 2015

Saturday and Sunday

The weekend days were work days for us.  At 6:15am both Saturday and Sunday we were in the back of Pilgrims Guesthouse getting our milk coffee, to be able to leave for the ANSWER office by 6:45.  We first walked through the city's market streets and emerged near a place called Ratna Park, where we caught a small mini bus.  Saturday we got a regular bus and on Sunday we caught one of the three-wheeled buses, which was actually driven by a woman!  This isn't the bus we took, but one just like it. They are electric, and known as tuk-tuks in many parts of the world.

These two days marked our last days at the build site.  We were anxious to see what progress had been made the previous two days when we had been away.  This first shot shows Saturday morning's build status.

In this shot Didi, one of the other sponsors, and David are checking out the status of the work.  The door frames having been installed made it feel so much more like a house than what we had left on Wednesday.

When we left on Sunday, this was the status of the build project.  The window frames were ready and these were installed in Monday.  We were not there to see it, but got to see photos.  Both of us were feeling pretty good about the progress of the build when we ate dinner with some of the ANSWER folks on Monday night.

This photo was taken earlier in the project.  Didi is holding one the standard sized bags we used for the first four layers and were filled with gravel/stone.  The green funnels were actually wastebaskets with the bottoms cut out.

The photo above shows the "kitchen" area of the site.  Under the tarp all the cooking was done and after we had each washed our own dishes they were placed upside down on the tarp to dry.

This was a wonderful experience for all of us.  The ANSWER sponsors got to directly give of their time to the students and the students got to know each other.  We bonded with everyone and it was sad to leave the group at the end of our building participation.  

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