Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Agmashenebeli Reflections

We have been making walks in the general neighborhood around our flat and seeing the extent to which renovation is occurring.  Three years ago the first efforts on the far end of Agmashenebeli were basically superficial and really in some cases became temporary.  What is being done near us is much more extensive and goes beyond the Avenue down into courtyards and side streets.

This courtyard was one we had previously been unable to see into because of the old gate and wall.  Now the building has been spruced up considerably and looks great.  This courtyard is quite literally just around the corner from us.

We are getting used to the changes.  It will be quite a different neighborhood in the spring and summer when all the new shops have opened and all the coffee shops and boutique restaurants have their tables out on the sidewalk.  It will revitalize this part of the city in profound ways.

This view of Agmashenebeli is looking toward our end of the street.  With cars basically banned from driving down the street it does become a nice pedestrian way and attention has been paid to including a variety of surfaces for the street; cobblestone, brick, and large pavers.  The very sculptured benches are really stunning.  There are also sculptures, including a dog in front of a store and a cat looking into a pail.

This building was part of the earlier renovation efforts.  We just like it.

We really like the street lights on the business end of the street.  These would look great in Hallowell!

Our treat to ourselves on Sunday was to go get one of the breakfasts at the Entree coffee shop near the Marjanishvili metro stop.  The dish above was called Eggs Benedict with ham.  Okay, not an English muffin, not Hollandaise sauce, and not Canadian bacon.  But it was good.  The roll was soft and very fresh and even though the ham was sliced lunch meat it was still tasty.

Our return home took us down some more side streets and into courtyards.  Below is a photo of one of the tallest circular staircases we have encountered here.  It is the fire escape and there are small platforms at each level by an exit door for the flat.


This reflection got Marty's attention and so it is shared with you.

Our last stop before buying some walnuts and heading home was in the lower part of the Dry Bridge flea market in the art section.  With the wind blowing as hard as it was, the art park was not fully populated.  Here are just a few photos from there.

Notice the locker to the right.  This is something new.  Over the years artists would have had to pack up each day and take everything home.  Now there are lockers and this makes it much easier for the artists.

Never miss the horns and traditional sale displays.  The Georgians are big on ceremonial horns for drinking of wine at special events.  Here you have your choice of size, color, and amount of emblishment; and manner of displaying!



As we passed back through the flea market we saw these three men getting some internal warmth from Chacha.  Fortunately it was getting later in the day so they probably didn't do too much damage to their ability to function.

So this has been more picture sharing than anything new.  Our weather has been cold, windy, and mostly sunless.  It doesn't make us want to go hiking as we have done in the past but today, for sure, we are getting out for a trip to the Botanical Gardens.

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