Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday afternoon, Tuesday

Zion NP- Monday late morning

We arrive in the snow!

We are in the park and stopped at the second of two tunnels as I kill time by writing this.  This tunnel is 1 mile long, narrow and downhill.  Because our camper is too wide (mirror to mirror) we have paid a tunnel fee of $15 for this tunnel and they will have us drive right down the middle of it while traffic is stopped from the other side.  It is still snowing and accumulating on the trees and rocks.  Our view is obstructed, but we have a very different effect because of the falling snow.  Who would have thought we would arrive in Zion in a late winter snowstorm.

At the campground where there was no snow at all, it was not really sunny, but there were patches of blue sky overhead.  We are once again two campers, four adults, and four cats!  It is nice to be reunited with Dee and Paul.

We got out for a short bike ride and were so taken by the beauty of this place.  Pictures can never give you the full impression of being in a place, once again we were unprepared for the amazing beauty of the nature around us.  As one of the guide books has compared this to the Grand Canyon stating that there you are on the top looking down, but here you are in the bottom looking up!  It is so true as we look at the multiple colored cliffs that loom over us.

In the early evening it started to rain, then sleet, then snowed and then  turned back to rain.  The wind haas abated though which is good.  There should be snow on the cliffs in the morning and we will get our first hike in at that time.

Tuesday am
 Both of these photos were taken right from the campgroung only about 100 feet from our campers!  What a view we awake to.

We awoke to the sound of rain, then there was a little sleet followed by more rain.  We decided that we would hike anyway!  We went the Watchman trail which starts very close to the visitor's canter which is also right near out campground (South Campground).  It is a great short hike that takes you high enough for great views.  the trail was a little muddy but really not to bad.  It was a chilly start that put us back at the campers with a temp of 52!

There is still snow at the higher elevations so we anticipate more good photos here showing the snow which contrasts nicely with the dark reds of the cliffs.  This is indeed one of the most places we have ever been.  And the views from the campground are the best of our trip so far.

View from our hike looking across the valley!

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