Monday, March 21, 2011


It is evening as we write this, we are camped out in the Walmart parking lot in Page, AZ.  We left Santa Fe after breakfast and headed up to Espanola and from there went west on 84 to 96 and then 550 (I know, just numbers).  The road we liked the best was 96!  Constantly changing landscapes from a beautiful reservoir followed by hills and mountains of rocks etched by the wind over so many years.  Changing colors from deep reds to pale yellows and white always impressing us by the indescribable beauty we were seeing.  It was Sunday, we were in nature's cathedral.

We thought it would be nice to see the Chaco Cultural National Historical Park.  The initial road was paved and we were so impressed!  We turned where the sign indicated it was 15 miles to go and the road was still paved, we were delighted....until we hit the dirt washboard that started to shake the teeth in our heads.   We turned around, had lunch, and headed north.

Since we were unable to see the Chaco Cultural NH park we decided on the Aztec Ruins National Monument in Aztec (no less).  They are not really Aztec but Anastazi ruins  dating from 1100-1300 AD.  The ranger informed us that the size of the complex is really much bigger than what we saw as there are ruins under some of the modern homes near by as well as some others near by not yet excavated.  

Our AC unit on the roof has decided to go au natural.  This is a bit upsetting since now we must cover it with a lovely tarp and cinch it down until we can get a replacement cover, most likely back in Maine.

We had originally planned to overnight in Farmington, however, New Mexico has decided to put everything ugly and unappealing in this one area!  We just couldn't bring ourselves to stay there, so hit the road and drove an additional 212 miles to put us in Page, AZ.  This is the home of Glen Canyon Dam, Lake Powell, and a huge coal-fired generating station.  Lucky for us it has a Walmat.

So we are parked here with about six other RVs and a few trucks.

Oh yes, not to forget that we are now four, four, four.  Four adults, four cats, and cat four escapes.  Up until now, only Muki had not made it our of one of the campers.  Tonight when we were adjusting a strap on the big awning so it wouldn't flap and make noise, Muki decided to just blast right by both of us and go out the door.  It happened so fast that we were not sure it really had happened.  We looked in the camper's closet, behind the sofa bed, up in the front seats and no Muki.  David took a flashlight outside and did't see him so came back in and we looked again.  Then we both went out with flashlights and David spotted him on the sidewalk near the camper...a little confused, but no worse for wear.  He is the eternal Alfred E Newman, "what, me worry?"

Tomorrow we will shop and then head up to Zion!  Dee and Paul are already there and say that it is much cooler.  Talking with Dee on the phone earlier today, she even hinted that maybe there would be some snow in our future.

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