Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hunting on the Kennebec, with a camera of course!

The wildlife along and on the Kennebec is fascinating and wonderful.  Saturday's late afternoon paddle in kayaks rewarded us with several eagles overhead and some Great Blues in the tall river grass.  I am learning how to use a new lens (300mm) and it is bigger and heavier than my other lenses so holding it steady while moving on the water is a challenge.  A lot of shots are just slightly out of focus because both the camera and subject are in motion.  The photo above is one that is close enough to share with folks.  This Great Blue was about half a second off the water into the air.  Water still drips off his feet.  Specifics:  speed 1/650, f4.5, ISO400, camera Nikon D700. The challenge of this kind of photography is everything that you cannot easily predict....changes in lighting, sudden movements in unanticipated directions, your movement...and on it goes.

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