Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Economy Comfort

Delta Airlines has an economy class called "comfort" which has more leg room....regular economy is the uncomfortable class.  We sat in the uncomfortable economy class which has almost enough leg room for someone 5'6" tall and anyone taller than that doesn't have enough.  The movies were shown on overhead monitors, you remember the small old fashioned TV screens of 50 years ago?  Put that flickering screen 12-15 rows ahead of you and you will have the picture.  Otherwise it was a good flight.  They didn't charge for wine and I think we both got 5-6 hours of sleep.

Gotta love the light rail and metro system in Instanbul which gets you from the airport to Sultanahmet and then it is just a short walk to our hotel.  Weather is warm and sunny too.

Yes, we've had our first Starbucks too!  Life is good but we are tired.

Oh yes, had to share this little photo.  Gotta love it.  Air Condition posted in all the windows of this restaurant, however, all the windows were open...must mean that it is fresh air.

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