Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday afternoon in Kizkalesi

We arrived by bus around 12:30 today in Kizkalesi right on the Mediterranean. Temp is in the low 90's and there isn't a cloud in the sky. After checking into about the first hotel we thought was reasonable (40 TL for the night and breakfast included) we headed over to beach to check it out. Lots of tourists here and to our amusument, we are the novelty to them! Folks wanted to take our picture! And they wanted us to take theirs as well. We were surprised at the Muslem women pulling up their skirts to be able to wade in the water. Some of the younger mothers just sat right down in the water with the kids and played. All-in-all it was a very normal beach scene if you just discounted the dress. This is not to say all the women were covered up, there were plenty who were not.

On our way back to the hotel we stopped for a cold one and enjoyed a beautiful fruit garden.  Pomegranates, limes, oranges all just hanging down within our reach, but they were not ripe yet.
Woman wading with castle in background
Family enjoying the water
This little boy was having a great time with his mom and dad.  
Green pomegranates

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