Monday, September 17, 2012


We have arrived safely in Kathmandu.  It had rained and the temps are in the high 60's.  Streets have not improved since we were last here. Tomorrow starts the festival of women called Teej.  We should see some dressed up women in various places and they will be wearing red.

One of our two bags missed the connectin in London, but will arrive tomorrow.  In the airport an official came right up to David and told him that the bag had already been located and would arrive tomorrow am!  This may be a third world country, but folks here have manners and show respect.

Streets are not well lit at night so the load shedding is still ongoing.

We were met by our Nepalese daughter's father, Mr Lama.  At Pilgrims we saw our wonderful guy apropos (Sunny) and shared a beer and some vegetable pokara, which had some nice pepper so it had a kick.  Now in our room we are about to crash until the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear the bag will arrive tomorrow. What is "load shedding"? Have a great trip and we'll see you very soon. Marty
